“…if work is the way we are molded and made, we must remake the work that makes us.”

— Al Gini, My Job, My Self

Welcome to Seminar.

Purpose & Values

Seminar x What Works provides immersive learning experiences that equip participants with the mental frameworks required to navigate uncertainty, tackle complex problems, embrace ambiguity and flexibility, and respond to evolving information with empathy and understanding.


We believe learning spaces should be places where we question the status quo and eagerly learn about new ways of being.


We believe learning spaces should be places where we look below the surface to investigate the context of ideas and experiences.


We believe learning spaces should be places of mutual concern. Even when we disagree, we demonstrate our care for each other.

Our Approach

theory & systems

We use systems thinking and sensemaking to deconstruct the topic at hand. To understand the impact of our object of curiosity, we have to understand its context.


We integrate what we learn by putting it into practice. We write, design, coach, converse, illustrate, curate, and more.

Identity & Relationships

Every question is a question about people. By investigating how our identities and relationships intersect with the object of our curiosity, we better understand its meaning.


We practice close reading and careful observation to see how our object of curiosity functions in the wild.

About Tara McMullin

Tara McMullin has been teaching online for 15 years—from small hands-on programs to live classes with thousands of participants. She’s led groups through how-to tutorials on everything from marketing to hiring to goal-setting. But she especially loves blending practical application with multidisciplinary exploration. That’s why she created Seminar.

Think of Seminar as a liberal arts approach to the daily tasks of life and work.


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