Rethink work, business, and Leadership

for the 21st-century economy

Welcome to Seminar.

Seminar x What Works hosts workshops, discussion groups, and other immersive learning experiences designed to help you rethink how you work and live.

Our programs are multidisciplinary, and our approach is holistic. You’ll learn, reflect, and apply new ideas from philosophy, economics, psychology, critical theory, sociology, and more.

challenge your assumptions

Question your mental models

Does the way you think about work and leadership serve you? Or do your mental models need an update?

Deconstruct your existing beliefs

Meaningful change is difficult when your existing beliefs support the status quo. What will you unlearn?

Gain new perspectives

To choose a different path, we need to see things from a new perspective. What new possibilities might arise?

Acquire new tools

Venturing into unfamiliar territory gives you tools you can apply to challenges across your work-life.

Meet Your Guide

Tara McMullin is a writer and critic who studies the future of work through the lens of philosophy, critical theory, and media. She's the creator of What Works and the co-founder of YellowHouse.Media, a boutique production agency.

She believes that care, curiosity, and context create an environment where we can not only learn but experience new and sometimes challenging ideas with grace. She's coached, taught, and facilitated for over 15 years—including more than a dozen classes with CreativeLive.

Tara brings her own experience as an autistic feminist, endurance athlete, and amateur baker to everything she does.

Upcoming Seminars

Upcoming Seminars

Making Sense

In Making Sense, you’ll explore the methods that sensemakers, theorists, and thought leaders use to help their audiences make sense of one small part of their worlds.

This 8-week seminar combines analysis, research, process, and craft. By the end, you’ll have a draft of an article, episode, video, or social media post (or a detailed outline of a larger work) that makes sense of an experience or question common to your audience.

Making Sense is for media makers of all kinds—writers, illustrators, content creators, speakers, managers, etc.—who aim to turn lived experience and deep analysis into an idea that shifts how others think.

Identity @ Work

Identity @ Work is a 6-week workshop that explores how work helps shape our identities and how we perform our identities at work.

We’ll read and discuss four essays on that theme, reflect on prompts, and write personal statements that you can use as copy for an About page, a re-introduction to your audience, or a reminder to yourself of how you see you at your best.

This workshop is for anyone who works (which is everyone). But it’s especially for people who have faced internal and external obstacles to “being themselves” at work, including neurodivergent people and people who hold marginalized identities.

Success (IN Moderation)

Success (In Moderation) is a 4-week discussion group that challenges our assumptions about success and how much is enough.

You’ll learn about the roots of overachievement, reflect on your own experience with perfectionism and striving, and connect with others who are ready to embrace success in moderation.

Success (In Moderation) is for recovering overachievers, perfectionists, self-saboteurs, and anyone who not only wants to define success on their own terms but also enjoy it in moderation.